Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Dance Photography: I'm attempting to fuse my work in photography with my work in dance, choreography, I mean. There are just too many hats and too many irons in the fire. These are new thoughts, so no brilliant epephanies as yet, but I'm sure they will come.

Like most of my life, I just simply have too many ideas and want too many things. It's time to sift.

I suspect it would be good for me to weed out the projects that are not producing just yet and filter more energy into those that are a little more fruitful. The idea being that the projects with renewed focus would florish from the attention and energy and the rest would die.

Well, maybe not die. Either die or hybernate until the time where sufficient energy and resources could make them great too.

As my friend Bill Wade, artistic director of Inlet Dance Theatre in Cleveland, OH says, sometimes it's necessary to stop the bleeding.

Thanks, Bill. I think the time is now.